What can you expect?
Awareness, curiosity, imagination, initiative, creativity, and self-reflection are key ingredients if you would like to level up your bodily expression of self. So that’s what you bring and I will do the same! And I will add to that NeuroMovement lessons, energetic exercises, spontaneous imagineering games or meditations, reflective talks and homework assignments.
In healing and transformation processes concerning the body, darkness can and probably will appear. Yet these group sessions are not meant to be heavy. Light is our nature, so we are going to play it light! Without bypassing anything that needs to be seen, accepted and loved. So dare to share your shit while shooting for the stars!
Group settings are a safe space we create together in order to expose our hidden agendas and
blockages. When we each show up honestly with the intention to accept ourselves and each other,
we then create an environment that unleashes our best versions. And it feels great to do it
You will feel everything, things you’ve avoided and states you’ve never thought possible.
BodyImagineering is about imagining and creating new possibilities of freedom in your physical
expression. It is magical!