What can you expect?
In this workshop you will practice two extraordinary life changing methods:
NeuroMovement and Sensefullness.
NeuroMovement is a gentle movement method based on neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to change itself. Slow, gentle and subtle movements have the power to give your brain a boost and can reorganize the way you move completely. And strangely enough that will transform the way you think and feel as well. NeuroMovement teaches you directly how to move from the impossible to the possible!
Sensefullness is a school of life that teaches you 9 basic principles. They bring you back to your free self and help you to uncover and get to know your adapted self and dismantle its disadvantages. In that way your complaints and issues will dissolve. So you can live in freedom and be happy. Go out of your mind, come to your senses!